Nella Fantasia - Cover

Kana Koinuma

English Translation of the lyrics:

In my fantasy I see a fair world, Where everybody lives in peace and honesty I dream of souls that are always free like the clouds that fly full of humanity deep within the soul

In my fantasy I see a clear world Or even at nights there is less darkness I dream of souls that are always free like the clouds that

English Translation of the lyrics:

In my fantasy I see a fair world, Where everybody lives in peace and honesty I dream of souls that are always free like the clouds that fly full of humanity deep within the soul

In my fantasy I see a clear world Or even at nights there is less darkness I dream of souls that are always free like the clouds that fly

In my fantasy there’s a hot wind that blows over the cities, like a friend, I dream of souls that are always free like the clouds that fly full of humanity deep within the soul

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