Welcome!!  So Glad you’re here ❤️ You are safe and all parts of you Belong🥰

 This website was created to be a sanctuary of love.  A place you can come to anytime to experience peaceful calming music thru these vibrational soundtracks. 

The vibrational medicine created in the Sound Therapy mp3 Track recordings come from a deep space of universal love and guidance from the angelic realm (thus the name of website) to assist in dissolving old wounds and pains to help elevate your frequency to your own true essence of peace, love and joy.


Sometimes if we are in a state of fear, worry or anxiety for a long period of time, we forget what calm, comfort, love and peace feel like, so even if we desire it, we don’t have a reference point.  If you allow these  sound therapy tracks to  open your heart and bathe your mind, body and soul to the frequencies  of love, peace, relaxation and calm, you will naturally start to resonate with this vibrational level (like a tuning fork) and bring you more towards wholeness.  Once you remember this reference point, you can always go back to it.  Sending love to the areas of your body that need it the most while listening to the track will have greater lasting effect.  The longer and more frequently you listen to these tracks, the more effective they will be.


If you are ready to take full responsibility for your life and healing journey and need extra guidance and support, I offer private sessions via Zoom, or phone.   I also offer remote distant energy healing for physical ailments in conjunction with zoom sessions to help uncover the possible emotional cause of the ailment. (See Services and Rates for more details on private sessions)

Service highlights:

  • Help you find your voice - strengthen your right to speak up and voice your needs with compassion
  • Help you create the life you desire and manifest your dreams by fully anchoring “your right to exist”
  • Learning self-compassion to create better rapport with yourself
  • Increase self worth and worthiness
  • forgiveness work
  • soul work, chakra cleansing & balancing
  • Help open, awaken and heal your heart so you can get your own inner guidance
  • deepening connection to your own self, soul, higher soul/self
  •  reprogramming and reimprinting old patternings and  limiting beliefs
  • Energy healing
  • Emotional healing
  •  healing childhood wounds 
  • guiding people back home to “remembering” their own true divinity (thru the heart). 

    Remember you’re body has the innate ability to heal.  When these blocks, limitations, wounds are resolved, your system naturally goes back to homeostasis… You are the healer. 

I have made many of the tracks on this site available to all free of charge or by donation so anyone can listen to them, in honor of my dear beloved friend Kailas who made his transition.  He was a very important presence in my life and helped me build this website.  Please feel free to share them with your friends and family.

I am a Pranic Healer, Certified Master Transformational NLP Practitioner, and a vibrational sound therapist with over 25 years of vocal training as a classically trained singer.  Having a 3.5 octave vocal range allows me to transmit a larger range of frequencies.  My training as a pranic healer opened up my abilities to see and sense energy in and around people’s body.

I have been meditating in my heart since I was 16yrs old and have experienced profound love and bliss states.  From this elevated state of love, I felt that if we all remembered this feeling in our hearts that WE ARE  this love and WE ARE loved to this magnitude, we would be free from much of our suffering.  

I got into the healing arts after my mother was diagnosed with cancer.  I searched for and learned many different modalities in an effort to help her alleviate some of her pain and suffering.  Since then, I have learned much about childhood and ancestral trauma and woundings and have been going thru a massive purification process of my own:  healing and releasing my own deepest pains, of sexual abuse, bullying, deep shame. I learned (and continue to learn) to build better rapport with myself and to work towards loving all parts of myself, especially the ones that felt so undeserving and ashamed. The more I healed myself, the more I experienced expansion into our true essence - ❤️ love❤️

This lead me to the desire of wanting to assist and guide others during their own healing journey so that they can eventually fully open their hearts to remember their own true essence and live a fulfilling life.

When we experience childhood adversity or trauma this aspect of ourselves could become inaccessible….once we heal these areas (often layer by layer which may take months even years) we will naturally feel more expansive. It’s so important to remember healing trauma may not be a quick fix, some aspects of trauma may take years to fully heal, so it’s really important to be consistent with your inner work and be patient and compassionate towards yourself and know that even the most ashamed “unlovable” parts are actually the most lovable and carry the greatest gifts if nurtured.  

We came to live, express and be guided by the inner wisdom of our hearts, where our inner compass, knowing and wisdom reside. The more we heal our emotional wounds and reprogram our outdated subsconscious programming, the more we have the power to create our own reality. 

“ Trauma blocks love, love heals Trauma. Trauma activates an internal cascade Of reactions that block love, Connection and creativity; and in turn,  Love has the power to transcend Trauma, heal our pain and reconnect us to our Self, our source and to  each other.” Dr. Frank Anderson, MD, psychiatrist, Trauma specialist

If you have experienced severe Trauma, I recommend finding a Trauma expert. (Peter Levine, Gabor Mate, Arielle Schwartz, Thomas Hübl, Dr. Frank Anderson, Bessel Van der Kolk)

For scientific evidence and proof of how sound vibration works, you can check out these videos Here

In addition to sound healing, I also use transformational NLP (to reprogram reimprint), Advance Pranic Healing (for energy clearing), pranic psychotherapy, ho’oponopono forgiveness work, family constellation when necessary.. 


I am available for private sessions via phone, Zoom or remotely.  Please email me to schedule a private session.  

For services and rates please click Here

May these tracks bless and shower you with unconditional love, peace, joy and abundance.







In infinite love,







The photo is from Fabien Maman´s experiment in 1987, which showed that the voice was the most effective acoustic sound to brake the membrane of cancer cells.



Guest speaker on Rev Bill McDonald’s Summer of Love Series.  Releasing emotional pain after loss

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